Thursday, July 18, 2013

First Day on Product!

Today was my first day on product! It was tough. But I lived! I woke up at 330am for work and had a shake, had a bar at "lunch" around 630am, waited way to long to have my next shake (so I had two) at 230pm, a soup at 530pm, and I plan on having a bar here in just a bit. I even went "out" to eat, as I do every thursday, with my grandparents and just had my soup. It was a little rough not eating but it wasn't that bad. I think as a few days pass it will be easier to not have cravings. First day I will call a success! Here is to a great first week and a great first weigh in after starting product on Wednesday!

Heaviest Weight: 355 lbs.
Start of Program Weight: 321 lbs.
Personal Goal Weight: 200 lbs.
Current weight: 320 lbs.  
Pounds Lost: 35 lbs.  
Pounds To Go: 120 lbs. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pictures. Then and Now.

Me in my 9th or 10th grade year (2003-2004). 185 lbs.

Winter Formal (2003) 185 lbs.
Senior Portrait 2005. 195-200 lbs.
Me and my beautiful sisters (2008) 210-220 lbs.
My Honeymoon (2009) 265-275 lbs.
Thanksgiving (2011) 330 lbs.
My Mother-In-Law and myself (2012) 340 lbs.

Sharks Game (2013) 320 lbs.

Here is to setting the body clock back! 

Last few days on food.

OK SOOOO Thursday I start the meal replacement. I am getting nervous! I have tried to keep the "Last Supper Syndrome" down to a minimum. I have had a few things I enjoy that I know I wont be able to have for quite awhile but all in moderation.

So when I decided to go ahead with Kaiser's Medical Weight Management Program , I went to an orientation to learn what it would entail, I walked away with a lot of  information and samples. After comparing the ready-to-drink chocolate shake from Optifast and the Costco case of Premier Protein Chocolate Shakes that my husband drinks already, we found they were almost identical, so my (very supportive) husband and I tried a 3 day protein shake diet, if you want to call it that, to see how hard it would be. I will say most the day wasn't so bad but nights are the worst. In all honesty there was a few nights my husband and I went to bed in a bad hunger mood because we couldn't stand it any more and were being beyond grumpy even though we had more then enough to live on but were use to so much more, BUT we lived and were no worse for the wear. Its doable and will be rough but well worth it in the end.

Last Wednesday was our first meeting. All we did was get our first weigh in out of the way and get our binders, then sample all the product to make our order for our first week on replacements. I tried everything even if I knew I wouldn't like it just so I knew how it tasted. Your options are very limited but I ordered as much variety as I could with the thought that variety would make me less likely to want to cheat (if the price of the program wasn't enough to make you stick to it). Its definitely not gourmet food but it isn't the worse thing I have eaten (well drank rather).

I met a few of the women in the group and they seemed nice. We will all need each other to lean on. I know not all of us will make it the whole program but having a strong support system is key. Ideally you would toss ALL the food out of your house to reduce temptation, but that isn't realistic when you live with others. I, however, just have my husband and my self so in a show of solidarity my husband agreed to get rid of ALL the food in our house (fridge, pantry, freezer, cabinets, the whole sha-pang, well... except for the beer =) ) since he works in the city long hours and has food provided for him at work. Since he isn't home except for "dinner" he has decided to replace all his "dinners" with the Premier Protein Shakes so we will limit the food temptations in the house. I am very fortunate to not only have the support of my husband but my whole family and friends.

At my heaviest weight I was 355 lbs.. I have gotten down to 321 lbs. at the start of this program. My over all happy life goal weight is 200 lbs. (give or take 5 lbs.). At my thinest (in high school) I weighed an athletic 185 lbs., at my thinest post high school was 200 lbs. and I felt great and I though I looked great and I felt comfortable. At 6'2" the suggested "ideal body weight" is 165-185 lbs. but I was barley in that range at my peak fitness as a high school athlete, 200 lbs. is my happy goal. In my next post I will post "before" pictures (and maybe a few "through back" pictures) to document my progress. I am very excited and nervous.

Tonight is our first actual program meeting and the last night before the July 2013 Group of 22 people will start on path back to a healthier us.

Thank you for the support!

Heaviest Weight: 355 lbs.
Start of Program Weight: 321 lbs.
Personal Goal Weight: 200 lbs.
 (At 6'2" the suggested "ideal body weight" is 165-185 lbs.)
Current weight: 321 lbs.  
Pounds Lost: 34 lbs.  
Pounds To Go: 121 lbs. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Road Back

I would love to say something profound here. I just don't have it in me, I am not that kinda person. Here I am just going to tell my story. Document my road back to health and an all around happier me. 

It has been a hard few years for me. I feel bad for complaining. I think of how awful some people have it both in their childhood and in their adult life, and how fortune it I am to have everything I do. Yes I have had things happen to me that I wouldn't wish on anyone, but I have been blessed too.

It has been a 2 year 7 months since I found out I had PCOS (January 2011), 5 years 2 months (May 2008) from my first pregnancy and miscarriage and 2 year 8 months from my second ending in an ectopic pregnancy and an emergency surgery that left me with one less fallopian tube. After all this, a full year of Fertility Treatments, my husband and I were emotionally exhausted.

I have struggled with Food Addiction (compulsive eating) for the last 4 years after these very emotional life events leading me to gaining over 150 lbs. in just about 2 years. Its so much more then what everyone thinks;"There is no such thing as Food Addiction, just stop eating!","Your just fat and lazy, but the food down!". I have come to find it is so much more then that. Its a drug, the most dangerous kinds because we have to use it to live... literally.

I have tried all kinds of diets (and pills). Most pre-made meal diet plans are to expensive for most everyday people, some diets are unrealistic, and some are confusing. For the last few years I have tried (some times more successfully then others) to stick to a Gluten-Free and Sugar-Free life style and a eating plan based on the Food Addicts Anonymous guild lines. I have lost 30 lbs. (and counting) since putting my head down and deciding I NEED to make a life style change or I may never get better. Since I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), which is a condition in which a woman has an imbalance of a female sex hormones, which has lead me to have trouble getting pregnant and trouble loosing weight, I knew I needed a BIG life stye change. PCOS, gone untreated can lead to Diabetes. While being over weight can cause PCOS, mine isn't totally caused by that. BUT loosing the weight is my best chance to get control of the PCOS and starting a family.

This blog starts my road down Kaiser's Medical Weight Loss Management with Optifast.

Heaviest Weight: 355 lbs.
Start of Program Weight: 321 lbs.
Personal Goal Weight: 200 lbs.
 (At 6'2" the suggested "ideal body weight" is 165-185 lbs.)
Current weight: 321 lbs.  
Pounds Lost: 34 lbs.  
Pounds To Go: 121 lbs.